Paul Warren Jacobs
These are some poems I've written over the years. The dates are publish dates as I'm unsure of when I wrote them.
I Love Love1/4/2023 I love love
I still dream of love and laughter so deep it hurts I dream of crying in joy and sadness Together In love In all And joy, of course Most the time But unafraid Of love’s pain As love’s price Is high. I’ll pay Again and again I love love I love you Whoever. You. Are.
Like Water1/3/2023 Like water
There are many pools of souls on planet earth, or thereabouts, always recycling themselves. Water evaporates, We die. Water gathers in clouds, then falls back down to earth. We gather on the other side, then fall back down to earth. Like water Cold Comfort1/2/2023 Sitting in my
cold comfort alone. All in place as it’s been Comfortable appearing warm but no No love in a warm place can only be cold Comfort can be had in familiarity Flowing easily in pat routine But comfort without love is cold comfort indeed Friends Prayer1/1/2023 Alas, I have grown old
Where are all my friends? They were here a moment ago Glowing with life and love Striving and achieving Sometimes failing, sometimes falling But standing up again with purpose And love prevailed again and again I miss them so They are where I live and I don’t know if I’ll ever find my way back home Please … Show me the way And let me lay down easy Let me see them once again Eyes to sparkling eyes Riff to sparkling riff Either here or there I loved all my friends Still do. Stuck12/31/2022 Too Much Noise
Too much Ringing Too much Chatter Too much Clatter Too much this Too much that Never Stops Can’t take it. Please stop. Please. I’m done. I want out. Too much noise Too much ringing. Too much Pain Turn off the radio Stop shouting Turn on the Music Please, Oh, Please Get me out, out now Outta here Where to sir? I. Don’t. Fucking. Know. Fuck. Daydream12/29/2022 I wish you were here
I wish you were so close I could smell your skin But more importantly be with you, tell everything, and anything or nothing. I miss you, your laugh when I’m silly, my love, my companion, my feel ok whenever partner. Inside Love is where we live. Sometimes unable to see out Lost because we’ve found each other. And, now ... I can’t wait to meet you. Be Careful When Old12/28/2022 No tripping
No falling No dropping No slipping, No breaking No dripping No stressing No kvetching, No cutting No head butting, No sugar No fat No salt None o’ dat, No crying too much Or laughing too hard Force feed you meds To compress who you are, ‘Be Careful When Old’ There should be A sign Especially when Dancing And Bonging, And drinking Our wine;~)- I Humanity on Holiday12/28/2022 Humanity on Holiday
How happy, how joyful, how Merry can we be while millions struggle to stay warm, to eat, facing a madman’s murderous missiles, and those who abide by his rule. We go on, while they shiver We have coffee and breakfast in our robes They left their robes behind We sip our drinks by the fire and look at our tree They scavenge for food and blankets and live underground, so far from free. Their children cold and hungry, while ours open their presents and sip hot chocolate. Humanity on Holiday How happy, how positive, how encouraged can we be while the Traitor still walks free, lunching with Goebbels, and the black white motherfucker who lost his shit somewhere between art and a small, dark place. Humanity on Holiday How happy, how satisfied, how enriched can we feel while white men come home alive, And too many black men never come home again, dispatched by Peacekeepers, trained to close their ears, demand compliance while beating a brother, killing one after another Humanity on Holiday How happy, how hopeful, how enlightened can we be while mothers in tears, are turned away and hand their babies across the border, desperate to save them from starvation, torture, rape and murder and giving them a chance at salvation a chance to survive. Humanity on Holiday The Spark and The Flame12/1/2022 V1
In the shadows where no one sees me I am watching you silently As the starlight Has its way with you I am wanting you secretly Br And you feel me Moving towards you You’ve been waiting For this time And though you’ve Never seen me You have known me All your life Ch We are forever One and the same Alone and together The Spark and the Flame V2 I have dreamed of Distant places Different lives I lead Far away And you’re always There beside me You reside in me Where e’er I lay Br And I feel you Moving towards me I’ve been waiting For this time And though I’ve Never seen you I have known you All my life CH We are forever One and the same Alone and together The Spark and the Flame We are forever One and the same Alone and together The Spark and the Flame ArchivesCategories |